Helical Gearbox

The helical gears of a engage at a slow and gradual pace, beginning at the far end of the tooth and holding contact until the whole gear spins into full engagement. The helix angle of the helical gear inside the gearbox is normally 15 to 30 degrees. The ratio of a helical gear is typically 3:2 to 10:1. As a result, a helical gearbox can be used to transmit massive thrusts. The helical gears are lubricated and supported by special bearings. Its design features helical gears with angled teeth, providing smooth and quiet operation while minimizing backlash. This type of gearbox is widely used in various applications, including automotive, industrial machinery, and power transmission systems, due to its high efficiency and reliability.

Helical Gear Gearbox

Chii chinonzi Helical Gearbox?

Chii chinonzi helical gearbox? Iyo helical gearbox yakafanana nepeya yepepa spur magiya, asi maviri seti eshaft anoyambuka pamakona akasiyana. Chinhambwe chepakati cheseti yega yega helical giya haisi nhamba, saka zvakakosha kuve nechokwadi kuti maviri seti e shafts akaenzana kureba. Izvi zvakakosha kune zvikumbiro apo ruzha rwuri kutariswa. Zvakare, ramba uchifunga kuti helical giya kazhinji akanyarara uye akatsetseka.

Helical gearboxes ane akawanda mabhenefiti pamusoro pemamwe marudzi emagiya mabhokisi. Iyo helical gearbox inogona kuve nemazino akawanda anobata munzira imwe chete, izvo zvinovatendera kuti vape inowirirana kusangana kwenguva yakareba. Coaxial helical gearboxes anowanzo shandiswa mune inorema-basa kunyorera. Kubudirira kwavo uye hunhu hazvifananidzwe nemamwe marudzi emagiya mabhokisi.

Helical Gearbox Zvimiro

Helical magiya anogona kugadziriswa kuti achinje kona yekutenderera ne90 madhigirii kana akaiswa paperpendicular shafts. Iyo helical giya imhando yakasiyana-siyana yegiya. Kugadziriswa kwayo kweangular kunoibvumira kubata torques anosvika 750 Nm. Iyo inonyanya kukosha kune rotary application, uko kutenderera kona kwakakosha. Nepo iyo helical giya inonyanya kushandiswa mukufambisa-mberi, inogona zvakare kushandiswa kune yakaderera-renji kutamiswa. Nekudaro, sezvo iyo yakaderera-renji kumhanya ichinonoka, haiburitse kuhwihwidza kusingafadzi.

Helical magiya akasimba kupfuura spur magiya uye anoda mashoma emukati zvikamu. Nekuda kweizvozvo, iwo zvakare akareruka kupfuura spur magiya. Iyo helical gearbox inogona kugadzirwa yezvikamu zvishoma uye inorema zvishoma. Izvo chete zvinokanganisa ndiko kuomarara kwemaitiro ekugadzira, ayo anowedzera iyo helical gearbox mutengo pachikamu. Zvisinei neizvi, helical gearbox inowanzonyarara uye yakasimba pane spur gear.

Helical Gearbox

Helical Gearbox Mhando

There are several helical gearbox types such as inline helical gearbox, worm helical gearbox, helical , helical motor gearbox tec. They differ in their efficiency and in their noise. The helical gears produce axial thrust, which means that the gearbox requires thrust bearings to accommodate this force. In contrast, spur gears produce no axial thrust, although they do not mesh as smoothly. Some helical gears require oil coolers, while others do not. Compared to spur gears, helical gears produce fewer noises, making them ideal for passenger cars and home use.
Iyo huru zino fomu yehelical gearbox inopa yakamisikidzwa velocity reshiyo, kunyangwe kana mapeji epakati asina kunyatsoiswa. Ichi chinodiwa dzimwe nguva chinodaidzwa nezvacho semutemo wakakosha wegiya. Helical magiya vane mukana wekuve wakafanana nemagiya ekusvudzira mapepa pakuti anofanira kudzedzereka achienda kwakapesana. Helical gearbox mhando dzakasara kana kurudyi-kurudyi, zvichienderana nekuti dzakaiswa paparallel shafts.

Helical Gearbox Application

When considering a helical gearbox application, it is essential to consider several factors. The size, weight, and profile of the gears should be matched to the application's workload and environment. The helix angle and its associated center gap should be considered. Moreover, the application should be quiet, as a noisy or claustrophobic environment may negatively affect the performance of the gear set. The real value of the pitch may vary based on the helix angle, and dedicated methodology has been developed for this purpose.

Chimwe chakakosha chehelical giya giya bhokisi kugona kwavo. Chiyero chemazino egiya kune yakazara nzvimbo inobvumira yakakwira yehuwandu hwekusangana reshiyo. Iyo yakanyatsogadzirwa-yakagadzirwa helical gearbox zvakare ine ruzha rushoma uye vibration pane spur magiya. Kana iyo helical giya isina kugadzirwa nemazvo, inogona kuita ruzha pane spur giya. Kuti uwane iyo yakakwana helical giya yechishandiso chako, isu tinopa mainjiniya uye software mhinduro kune yakakwana gearbox kuita.

Aya helical gearbox marudzi anoshandiswa mumaindasitiri uko kumhanya uye kushanda nesimba kwakakosha. Mamwe maindasitiri anoshandisa helical gears ndiwo maindasitiri emachira, epurasitiki, rabha, shuga, mapepa, uye simende. Mamwe maapplication anosanganisira conveyors, crushers, uye mixers. Mamwe emamwe marudzi akajairika emagiya ehelical anoshandiswa mukati compressors uye blowers. Iyo helical giya inoshandiswa zvakare mune metallurgy industry, uko torque yakakwirira inogadzirwa ne rotor inogadzira muchina wakanyarara, unoshanda nesimba.

Helical Gearbox Application
Helical Gearbox Application
Helical Gearbox Application
Helical Gearbox Application

Helical Gearbox Dhizaini

Iyo helical gearbox dhizaini ine akati wandei mabhenefiti. Kutanga, inopa kubviswa kwekumanikidza. Izvi zvinogoneka nekuti magiya akarongwa pakona kune axis yekutenderera. Iyi dhizaini inogona kuve nemashaft maviri akasiyana, imwe yacho yakatarisana nekurudyi rwegiya bhokisi. Iyo helix angle inowedzera sezvo simba rinotakurwa nemagiya rinowedzera. Naizvozvo, iyo helical gearbox imba inofanirwa kukwanisa kubata aya ekuwedzera masimba. Uyezve, helical gearbox dhizaini yakakura uye inorema kupfuura yakajairwa magiya mabhokisi.

In terms of construction and operation, helical gearboxes are a good option for transmission systems. They are usually used in automotive applications because of their smooth performance. This is possible because they contain special angle-cut teeth. As the gear turns into full engagement, these gears gradually contact one another. This creates a large amount of thrust. It's also quieter than conventional spur gears. Its modular design also provides benefits in terms of engineering and performance. Helical gearboxes can be manufactured economically while maintaining the highest standards of component integrity.

Helicopters mumwe muenzaniso wehelical gearbox. Mahafu maviri ehelical gear anofanirwa kudzedzereka neruremekedzo kune mumwe nemumwe kuti aenderane zvakanaka. Zvimwe chetezvo ndezvechokwadi nezve spur gears. Iyo radial halves inofanirawo kuenderana. Pamusoro peizvi, magiya ehelical anofanirwa kuve akaenzana mune axial gwara. Iri rudzi rwegiya bhokisi rinoda mamwe akaomarara meshing.

Helical Kuderedza Gearbox
Helical Kuderedza Gearbox
Helical Kuderedza Gearbox

Worm Gearbox Vs Helical Gear Bhokisi

Kuenzanisa pakati pehonye giya bhokisi uye helical giya bhokisi chikamu chakakosha chekuona yakanakisa mhinduro yekushandisa kwako. Nepo giya rehonye rekudzikisira richiwanzo shanda kupfuura helical, nzvimbo yepamusoro yepakati inoita kuti giya rehonye rishande. Semuenzaniso, yakajairika yuniti ine 2.6-mupakati gap zvishoma nezvishoma inorasikirwa nekugona sezvo reshiyo inowedzera, nepo nzvimbo yepamusoro yepakati inoita kuti giya rehonye rishande kusvika chiyero che10: 1 chasvika.

Ose ari maviri worm uye helical gearboxes anoshanda kune madiki huwandu hweHP. Semuyenzaniso, helical gearbox inodhura madhora mazana masere nemakumi mana pane giya rehonye. Zvisinei, the honye gearbox inoshanda zvakanyanya kupfuura helical gearbox kune akakura masimba. Iko kushanda zvakanaka kunodzikira sezvo reshiyo inowedzera, kunyangwe yakakwira HP kushandiswa kunoda yakakwira magiya.

Helical Gearboxes

Planetary Gearbox Vs Helical Gearbox

The gearbox yemapuraneti haikodzere maakona ekurudyi, madhiraivha ekufamba edockside crane, uye madhiraivha ekufambisa egantry, semuenzaniso. Rudzi urwu rwegiya bhokisi rwaizonyanya kupindira mune izvi maapplication. Kune rimwe divi, iyo helical gearbox idiki pane yepuraneti giya bhokisi uye inokodzera izvi zvinoshandiswa. Pane zvakanakira nekuipira kune ese marudzi.

Mukana wakakurisa wepuraneti geartrain kugona kwayo. Kurasikirwa kwakaderera, pa3% chete padanho. Kushanda kwacho kwakakwira zvekuti 97 muzana yesimba rekupinza rinotamiswa. Chitima chegiya chepuraneti chakanyanya kuomarara, nekuda kweiyo kugovaniswa kwehuwandu. Chitima chegiya repasi chinotamisa torque yakaiswa radially. Nekudaro, helical gear chitima chinoda kuti mushandisi atenge chinotsiva iyo yese system, uye helical gearbox haigone kugadziriswa kana dambudziko rikaitika.

Bhokisi regiya repasi rinogona kuve rakanyanya kujeka, izvo zvakakosha kune yakaderera-kumhanya maapplication. Ivo vanowanzosvika 60% kureruka pane zvakajairwa mhando, izvo zvinoreva madiki ekutsigira zvimiro. Mapuraneti anowanzo kusarudzwa nekuda kwekugona kwavo kudzikisa, compact size, uye huremu chiyero. Kusiyana neizvi, bhokisi regiya rakajairwa rine shaft isingaenderane nehuwandu hwegiya bhokisi uye inokonzeresa overhang uye huremu husina kuenzana.

In contrast, the ring gear creates axial forces at the end of the transmission. Helical gears, on the other hand, create no axial forces. Helical gears have a zero-helix angle, which means they do not create any axial forces in the mesh. The axial force creates torque on both sides of the gear. The planet's ring gear meshes with the sun, creating a “boosted torque rotational motion that transfers to the output. The magnitude of the axial force is approximately equal to the gear pitch diameter.

Helical Kuderedza Gearbox

Helical Gearbox Kubudirira

The efficiency of a helical gearbox is based on the output torque divided by the input torque. This ratio is equal to the total gear reduction within the gearbox and is the number of revolutions a motor must make in order to rotate a stem nut. Helical gears, on the other hand, produce a lot of thrust along the axis of the gear. They are also prone to more sliding friction between the gear teeth, which can be addressed with the addition of additives to the gearbox's lubricant.

Nepo hungwaru hwakajairwa hungaratidza kuti helical gearbox inoshanda zvakanyanya kupfuura giya rehonye, ​​tsvakiridzo ichangoburwa inoratidza kuti mabhokisi egonye ari kutanga kuvhara gaka rekushanda, kunyanya kana zvasvika kune yakaderera-simba kunyorera. Madhizaini matsva egiya rehonye, ​​pamwe nekugadziridzwa kwekuzora, ari kuita kuti mabhokisi egonye awedzere kukwikwidza nehelical gearboxes. Muzviitiko zvakawanda, magiya ehonye haadhure, asi helical gearboxes anoshanda zvakanyanya.

In addition to being faster and more efficient, helical gearsets produce an axial thrust force that aligns with the shafts. The helix angle of a helical gear increases as the power it carries grows. This requires that the helical gearbox' housing be designed to accommodate the thrust load. As a result, a helical gearbox adds both size and weight. These factors determine the efficiency of helical gearboxes.